Tuesday, March 8, 2011


The Loveland Police target the innocent and disabled people of this town.  I have submitted a formal complaint to the Loveland Police Department with no avail.  The Police fabricate their reports, document and support lies.  I decided to blog about this as no one wants to take on the blatent corruption that is alive and well here in Loveland/Larimer County.  The Eigth Judicial is set up for the criminals.  Appears to be run also by criminals.  The ousting of Gilmore and Blair is the tip of the iceberg folks.  The Public Defenders refuse to support the truth, they pressure and intimidate their clients into submission of bogus and unjust plea agreements, as they are not skilled at representing facts successfully against the fabricated stories of the prosecuting attorney's and the fabricated police reports.

 The court ordered a psychological evaluation that they were slated to pay for, $900.00.  Reasonable accomodation was requested for the documented developmentally disabled adult it was ordered for.  Kathryn Hay public defender refused reasonable accomodation and the evaluation had to be paid privately.  Kathryn Hay became visibly upset when she read the evaluation that cleared her client.  She created an unjust plea that her client rejected.  The next court appearence, she took her client out in the public hallway in front of others present and beratted him and stated she would no longer represent him. She released him to another public defender but of course stated to Judge Gillmore that if the case went to trial, she would be the trial attorney.  REALLY?  Why would anyone choose such a hostile public defender?  The next public defender assigned told his client that the 12 hour extensive psychological evaluation would "probably not be presented, if the client chose to go to trial".  Of course not, it confirmed his innocence and confronted the corruption!  We the people are left with out options in this corrupt system.  This blog is just the tip of the iceberg of my reality.  I have lived in and supported this community for 14 years.  I have friends who see the targeting and suggest I move.  Attorneys in this town are also aware of what is going on,  I have been told, "it is rotten from the top down", and they do nothing about it.  And so it goes......